XMPP server info
- Location: Iceland
- Hostname: j.404.city
- Domain: 404.city
- C2S TLS: 5223
- C2S StartTLS: 5222
- S2S TLS: 5270
- S2S StartTLS: 5269
- XMPP TLS versions: 1.3 | 1.2 | EC 384 bits (Class A)
- S2S dialback: deny
- InBand: Redirect to https://404.city
- HttpUpload max filesize: 1GB
- Group chat domain: chat.404.city
- Support audiocall and videocall : Yes
- Bosh: https://j.404.city:5443/bosh
- Websocket: wss://j.404.city:5443/ws
- Messanges storage time: 7 days
- Abonded account storage time: 3 year
Format for XMPP client JTalk
- XMPP server: j.404.city:5222
- Username: username
- Domain: 404.city